Twister Forecast


Prediction of  Twister Events                                  Actual Twister Events

Time                      Location               Magnitude       Time         Location   Magnitude (who)

8/13/16-8/16/16      U.S. Midwest             EF 0 - EF 1.0     8/15-16/16   Indiana         6 x EF 0 (1,2)

8/16/16-8/21/16      U.S. Midwest             EF 1 - EF 3.0    8/17/16        IN, OH, PA   E0

8/16/16-8/21/16      U.S. Midwest             EF 1 - EF 3.0     8/21/16        MI,OH          x 6, x 2

8/22/16-8/31/16      U.S. Midwest             EF 1 - EF 4.0     8/22/2016    MA               E1

8/22/16-8/31/16      U.S. Midwest             EF 1 - EF 4.0     8/24/2016    IN, OH         8 x E2, 1 x E3      

9/01/16-9/31/16      U.S. Midwest             EF 0                   9/23/2016    Utah             1 x E1

10/1/16-10/31/16    U.S. Midwest             EF 0



**The Scale used here is the newly derived “Mary Ann Slaby Twister Magnitude Scale”; it’s magnitude correlates to energy, it is calculated either as time of tornado on the ground or by the height that the largest massive object was raised; the values are essentially identical to the Fujita Scale, in terms of and as a measure of wind speed or tornado magnitude, but this new scale allows instant magnitude evaluation of the twister by a non professional witness - observer, instead of the 3 day to 3 week professional assessments as we have had in the past!!.  See for further description and a quantification, that allows even a non-professional to make a very good and accurate estimate of the twister size.  

Here are a list of twister and/or tornado verification sites; some are professional, some are done by amateurs.  Each author or contributor is, however, very diligent, observant, accurate or just happens to be at the right time and place to record or witness the event, then post it on the web.  Some are professional, some are storm chasers, some are policemen, and others are just common citizens. 

  1. (1)

  2. (2)

Note and warning:  ANY SIZE TWISTER CAN KILL!  Be careful, exercise extreme caution and get out of its path when you see it coming if possible, or seek refuge.